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Scott Galayde


I feel that the difficult part of the game of golf lies in striking the ball, not in swinging the club. I believe that there are as many different ways of “swinging” the club as there are different types of people. In order for a ball to be struck properly, the clubface must return to the ball in a square position in relation to the target line, and low enough with regard to the golf ball’s center line to allow the loft of the clubface and mass of the clubhead when coupled with its speed at impact to propel the ball airborne and forward. How the club is swung by the golfer is secondary to how the ball is struck by the club. Consistent center contact along with a square clubface is imperative for achievement of a “golf shot.”

Experience and Attributes:

18 years teaching experience

  • SugarBush Golf Club (Garrettsville, OH)

  • GlenEagles GC (Twinsburg, OH)

  • Grantwood GC (Solon, OH)

  • Kapalua Golf Resort (Maui, HI)

  • The First Tee Cleveland (Cleveland, OH)


Member Status: PGA Member since 2006


College: Methodist College (2000); B.S. in Business, Management/ Professional Golf Management



As a golf professional and teacher, I must be aware of the differences in people physically, emotionally, and mentally so that I am able to help them grow as people and improve as golfers. Just being able to tell someone what is required to hit a golf ball does not qualify as being a teacher- you must be able to show them the “how”, and explain the “why” in order to truly be a teacher. In order to communicate the skill of golf to others, I use numerous teaching aids and methods to convey the necessary positions and movements that occur before, during and after the golf swing. Communication can happen in many different ways, verbal instruction may be the basis for teaching lessons, but there should also be considerations given to the visual and kinesthetic ways that people process information.

1511 East Aurora Rd (St. Route 82)
Macedonia, Ohio 44056


Phone: 330.467.6425

©2025 Windmill Golf Center All Rights Reserved

Hours Of Operation:


Open 7 Days A Week


April 1 - September 30
Open 8:30 a.m. until dark. Mondays Open from 10am until dark.

October 1 - March 31
Open 10:00 a.m. until dark

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